How To Properly Hint At Sex When Dating A Girl You Like?
You may be the most romantic person in the world, but you can’t deny that urge to get the lady of your dreams into bed. Boys will be boys. However, it sounds more than desperate and inappropriate to reach out to her and blurt it out – “Will you have sex with me?” So, are there any helpful tips you can use as a reliable sex-oriented weapon? EmilyDates experts have you covered!
Hinting about sex in an offline relationship
The way you approach the lady about such an intimate subject as having sex will differ depending upon the type of your relationship. Both online and offline dating comes with certain perks and initiation peculiarities.
Getting physical step-by-step
Suppose you have a chance to go on an actual date. Make sure that physical contact is there. Light gestures, gentle touches, holding hands, and even kissing will determine how she may take the next step. If there’s resistance, you may need to wait some more. In case there’s none, your hint was understood.
Exchanging gifts
You can find dozens of reasons why to give her flowers, chocolates, and other sweet presents. However, a lingerie set for a gift may be the opportunity to take next. The hint is palpable, and her reaction will give you all the answers you seek.
Romantic dinner
Dinner at a restaurant is one thing – but a home-cooked meal in the safety of your house with candles lit and champagne pouring leaves no room for uncertainty. If she accepts the offer, you’ll know she’s ready. It’s either win or lose the chance, depending on how good a cook and a seducer you are.
Hinting about sex in an online relationship
Online dating has lots of advantages, but the downsides are many too. Cooking a romantic dinner online will lead you nowhere. So, what are the digital odds?
Ask the right questions
It’s vital to remember that when texting a girl, you want to sleep with, you need to make her as horny as you are instead of scaring her away with your creepy talk. The fact is that, if she can’t imagine herself having sex with you – tough luck, friend. So, the questions and phrases should be provocative but to an extent. When she answers, you need to provide the same share of related information about yourself too, no more nor less.
The worst-case scenario is to ask her about something and just leave her to it, making her explain and unravel the topic. Such an approach will only speak about your laziness in all, bedroom included. EmilyDates experts have it that ladies rarely like it when they do all the job.
Lastly, you shouldn’t rush with all the kinky talks. Feel the ground and see how she responds. If you keep asking her sex-related questions day and night, you may create an impression of a pervert, and instead of luring her into your arms, you’ll scare her away with your insatiable lust.
Possible points of discussion
Questions to explore over text may be the following:
- What’s the sexiest item you have ever worn? Would you wear it for me?
- What do you think is the sexiest part of a male body?
- Why are you making me feel this way about you?
- What are you wearing right now? What would you wear if I was there with you?
As the conversation flows, you can build up the anticipation and get more open and dirtier with your questions and answers. However, constant monitoring of her responses is a must. If you see that the play is getting out of hand and may be discomforting for the girl, you should stop and put it away till better times.
EmilyDates experts have it that if there’s a spark between you, no matter the distance or type of relationship you’re in – your hint will be easily decoded. However, no matter the practicality of the aforementioned tips, you can’t put them to practice without a suitable partner to discuss sex with, don’t you think?
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