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The Rise Of Online Dating In 2021: Should You Consider The Option?

How Has The Approach To Dating Changed In The 21st Century?

The toll that technology has had over modern life can’t be easily dismissed. The technological era has affected people to treat the most mundane activities. Dating isn’t an exception. More and more people are inclined to use online dating tools when searching for fun, friends, and life partners.

Perks on online dating that make it so appealing to people of all generations

Not so long ago, it’s believed that primarily the younger generation was obsessed with online dating. However, as time passes, every third person in the world has been involved in a virtual relationship or is planning on. So, what makes online dating so requested at the moment? The experts of EmilyDates have the data gathered for you!



The more popular online dating gets, the more people are drawn to it. Thus, the possibility to find single people that fit your requirements skyrockets. Whereas, in real life, it’s utterly challenging to tell a single person from the one involved in a relationship.


Not only the pool of people to choose from grows but so does the variety of dating platforms. Websites like EmilyDates are centered on uniting people looking for serious relationships. However, there are those interested in mere hooking-up or short-term acquaintances and fun time-spending too. Depending upon personal preferences, with just a few swipes of the screen, anyone can end up with an app or site that suits their needs.


There are countless cases when a person can’t find a suitable match within their geographical location. You can choose to remain single for the rest of your life, or you can try international dating and find the missing soulmate in a matter of minutes. The research has it that 1 out of 5 committed relationships starts via a global dating platform.


As many as 70% of people interested in a serious outcome of their involvement with an online dating platform agree that honesty is the best policy. According to Statista, as many as 25% of male users ignore heavily edited ladies’ profiles. Aside from that, a first meeting online and offline differs. While the former implies improved directness and truthfulness, the latter is more about false pretenses and potentially positive first impressions.


Certain dangers are lurking around the online dating universe. However, such websites as EmilyDates ensure the safety and protection of all the registered users. Falling victim to a sexual offender or any other type of criminal is twice as easy in real life rather when it comes to dating through a reliable and trustworthy platform.



It’s a fact that most people lead pretty busy lifestyles, and it may be challenging to fit a regular date into an already tight schedule. However, you can have an online date at any time of the day, let alone any location. You don’t need to spend hours to get ready, to get to the place of the meeting and then get back home. After you’re sure that you’ve found the person of your dreams, you can start planning actual dates no matter how tight the schedule is, at the beginning of the relationship – the less fuss is usually, the better.

It’s safe to say that online dating works in as many as 37% of cases. While you still think it’s not that impressive of a percentage, it needs to be added that only 15% out of 63% of acquaintances through friends and other offline dating means are proved to work out. All in all, online dating is less demanding and more convenient, let alone – it’s global, not to at least consider giving it a try!

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